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Jacksonville: (904) 528-0188 | Palm Coast: (386) 356-5020 | Melbourne: (321) 294-4887 | Orlando: (407)440-9815 | Denver: (720) 599-8050

How Moss Damages Your Roof

Florida is one of the most humid states in the US, with an average humidity of 74.5%. This high humidity is thanks to the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico and its tropical climate.

Behind Key West, Palm Coast is one of the most humid cities in Florida, with an average humidity of 74.4% and the city’s humidity level rarely falls below 50%.

Homes in areas with high humidity levels tend to struggle quite a bit with moss growth on their roofing systems. And you may be thinking; it’s just a bit of moss, and that it’s not a big deal.

However, while moss growth may look good on some fairytale cottages, in reality, it is capable of causing significant damage to your home’s roofing system and can impact the health of your family. As one of Palm Coast’s leading roofing companies, we’ve seen just how drastic the impact of moss growth can be on homes.

If you still don’t believe us, keep reading as we detail the causes and impact of moss growth on your roof.

The Causes

Moss is a non-vascular flowerless plant that grows in humid, damp environments. They can grow pretty much anywhere; all they require is surface area and moisture. They often grow in large green clumps and spread to pretty much wherever their spores land.

Roofing systems provide wide-open spaces for moss to spread and grow. And because roofs have small little nooks and crannies, these moss growths can often go unnoticed before becoming a big issue.

You’re probably wondering how they end up on your roof in the first place? Well, moss spores are microscopic plant matter, which means that they are easily transported through the air before landing neatly on your rooftop.

Moisture is vital to their livelihood, so whenever they come into contact with any water or moisture, they soak it up to sustain themselves and encourage growth.

Now we all know, any type of moisture on your roofing system is unwelcome. So when a plant organism is not only retaining this moisture but spreading it throughout your roof, you may encounter some significant roofing issues.

Roofing Issues Caused By Moss

Lifting Shingles

Moss can grow pretty much anywhere, even on the underside of your roofing shingles. This growth can weaken your shingles over time.

If enough moss is able to grow beneath the shingles of your roof, it will start to push up the weakened shingle, eventually causing it to lift off the roof altogether.


Moss holds on to water and moisture to survive. If moss is thriving on your roofing system, chances are it is retaining any water and moisture that comes into contact with your roof.

This stagnant water can lead to rot developing on your roof deck. Rot is the quickest way to deteriorate any material. So what once started as a little patch of green moss can lead to you having to replace your entire roof deck.


Once the moss on your roof has developed into such a state that it has caused your roofing deck to rot, you may encounter some leaking issues in your home.

A deteriorated roof deck exposes the interior of your home to natural elements. Leaks are not only annoying, but they can significantly impact and damage the structure of your roofing system as well as the interior of your home.

Leaking and moisture inside your home can also encourage mold growth which can affect the well-being of yourself and your family.

If you think your roofing system has a moss growth issue, then give Elo Restoration a call today!


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